Aines TLK8 - Butt-in Sets Test Cord Set for TS19 TS25D TS22 TS22A AT&T Beco WE

Aines TLK8 - Butt-in Sets Test Cord Set for TS19 TS25D TS22 TS22A AT&T Beco WE
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List Price: $49.97
HB Price: $35.97
Savings: $14.00

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HB Product Number: AIN-TLK8

Description Notes & Safety Warnings
Aines' TLK8 - Lineman's Butt-in Set Replacement Pro Test Cords sometime called Leads. Comes with Tangle free cloth cords and Booted Angled 66 Clips w/Bed-of-Nails and Piercing Pin (ABN/PP) with vinyl sleeves. Compatible with TS®19, TS®25D, TS®22, TS®22A, AT&T, Beco, WE  Lineman's Butt-in Set and some Toners. Angled 66 Clips are design to clip safely on to 66 blocks without shorting out the secret. Commonly used with a modular breakout adapter. Angled 66 Clips w/ABN/PP are preferred by Telco and Interconnects world wild! American Engineered and Made to the high-quality Telco standards. ed/hb
Features & Benefits:
  • Prevents shorting out customer's secrets
  • Tangle free cloth cords
  • 2 Test Leads w/right angle booted clips
  • 2 Booted Angled 66 Clips w/Bed-of-Nails and Piercing Pin (ABN/PP)
  • Nickel Silver plated clips
  • Braided tinsel wire cable
  • Vinyl sleeves color: Red / Black
  • American Engineered and Made to the high-quality Telco standards

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Aines AMA6 - Break Out Test Adaptor RJ-11, RJ-12, RJ-14 Aines AMA8 - Break Out Test Adaptor RJ-11, RJ-12, RJ-45 Siemon TAP-110-A4 - 4PR Test Adapter 110 to Mod T568B Westek TC-OSPACEQ Combi-Cord RJ11 jack to 110/66/RJ11/Binding Post Clips T/R
Siemon Tap-110-UT - Test Adapter 110 to Mod 8P4C - Pins 3/6 Pins 4/5 Suttle SE DSL-TEST-3 - DSL Line Conditioners DSL Test Kits w/3' Test Cord Aines 66 Clips - Right Angled Bed-of-Nails & Piercing Pin (ABN/PP) w/Vinyl Booted Sleeves Siemon TAP-110-U3 - 110 Adapter 3-pair to RJ-14, USOC Wiring (6P6C)
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Siemon Tap-110-UT - Test Adapter 110 to Mod 8P4C - Pins 3/6 Pins 4/5 Suttle SE DSL-TEST-3 - DSL Line Conditioners DSL Test Kits w/3' Test Cord Aines 66 Clips - Right Angled Bed-of-Nails & Piercing Pin (ABN/PP) w/Vinyl Booted Sleeves Siemon TAP-110-U3 - 110 Adapter 3-pair to RJ-14, USOC Wiring (6P6C)
Independent Technology ITC 3002B-A - 110 Block Adapter 4-Pairs 110 to RJ45 Jack - 568-A Independent Technology ITC 3002B/3 - 110 Adapter 3-Pair to RJ45 - (8P6C) Independent Technology ITC 3002B - 110 Block Adapter 4-Pairs 110 to Rj-45 - 568B Independent Technology ITC 3008 - BIX Block Adapter 3-Pairs USOC
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Independent Technology ITC 3002B-A - 110 Block Adapter 4-Pairs 110 to RJ45 Jack - 568-A Independent Technology ITC 3002B/3 - 110 Adapter 3-Pair to RJ45 - (8P6C) Independent Technology ITC 3002B - 110 Block Adapter 4-Pairs 110 to Rj-45 - 568B Independent Technology ITC 3008 - BIX Block Adapter 3-Pairs USOC