Ernst 550X XX - Plier Pro® Premium No-Slip Plier Organizer, Holds 10-Tools

Ernst 550X XX - Plier Pro® Premium No-Slip Plier Organizer, Holds 10-Tools
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List Price: $24.97
HB Price: $19.97
Sale Price: $19.97
Savings: $5.00

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HB Product Number: ERN-550X-XX

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Description Technical Specs Notes & Safety Warnings
Ernst's 550X XX - Plier Pro® Premium No-Slip Plier Organizer in 4-Colors. Maximize your storage by organizing pliers upright in toolbox drawers or workbench! Organizer System or a simpler Drawer-Management System. The space in your toolbox or workbench is limited! The benefits of Drawer-Management are clean placement of your tools and less loss. Accommodates a wide variety of tools, holding a total of 10. The premium rubber base on this rack grips tools and the drawer to keep it all in place. A "must have" for your toolbox! American Engineered and Made in the USA. ed/hb

Not just for automotive mechanics! Optical Technician & Jewelers have workbenches and need Plier Pro also.
I keep my Plier Pro® on my desk to sort my old school mail.

Available in:
Red 5500 RD, Green 5501 GR, Orange 5502 OR ,HI-VIZ Yellow 5505HV
If you need any Ernst Mfg. product not listed in our online store please contact us - We're here for you!
Features & Benefits:
  • A non-slip rubber base prevents slipping and sliding of the tools
  • No-slip plier storage for toolbox or work bench
  • Holds up to 10 tools
  • Premium rubber base on this rack grips tools
  • Accommodates a wide variety of tools
  • Fuel and solvent resistant
  • Ecofriendly™ recycled products
  • American Engineered and Made in the USA
Available in:
Red 5500 RD, Green 5501 GR, Orange 5502 Or ,HI-VIZ Yellow 5505HV

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Sale Price: $24.97
HB Price: $24.97
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HB Price: $24.97
ITN S8924-GER - Jeweler Mini DBL Round Nose Pliers 5.25" ITN 21405 07 - Optical / Jeweler Pliers Flat Nylon/Flat MetalJaws w/Cushion Grip 7" Klein Tools J2000-28 Journeyman Diagonal Cutting Pliers, H-D 8" ITN 8984 07 - Nylon Jaws Ring Bending Pliers for Jewelry Making 7"
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HB Price: $19.97
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HB Price: $19.97
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HB Price: $24.97
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HB Price: $24.97
Felo 63807 - Insulated Pliers Diagonal Side Cutter/Nippers VDE 8.5" ITN 21412 07 - Pro Optical / Jeweler Pliers Flat Nylon  / Round Metal Jaws w/Cushion Grip 7" ITN 34-0STHF-435 - PRO Optical 3-Piece Frame Adjusting Pliers 7¼" ITN S8984 - Nylon Jaws Ring Bending Pliers for Jewelry Making 5.75"
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ITN S8921-GER - Jeweler Mini Side Cutter Pliers 5" ITN 34-0STHF-454 - PRO Optical Compression Sleeve Removal Push Pliers 7¼" Klein Tools 63050-EINS Electrician Linesman's Insulated Cable Clean Cutter Pliers 9" Felo 63817 - High-Leverage Lineman's Fish Tape Pulling Pliers 9.5"
ITN S8923-GER Optical / Jeweler Mini DBL Flat Nose Pliers 4.5" ITN 34-OSTHF053 - PRO Optical Narrow Double Nylon Jaw Pliers 7¼" Ostkimless Felo 64293 Series 580 - Insulated Bent Nose VDE Pliers w/Spring-loaded action, 8" Felo 63853 - XL Insulated Pliers/Screwdrivers Combo 8PC Set
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ITN S8923-GER Optical / Jeweler Mini DBL Flat Nose Pliers 4.5" ITN 34-OSTHF053 - PRO Optical Narrow Double Nylon Jaw Pliers 7¼" Ostkimless Felo 64293 Series 580 - Insulated Bent Nose VDE Pliers w/Spring-loaded action, 8" Felo 63853 - XL Insulated Pliers/Screwdrivers Combo 8PC  Set
Felo 63773 - Combo Pliers High-Leverage w/Side Cutter 7.25" Felo 63783 - Pliers Chain Nose Radio w/Side Cutter 8" VIM V241 - Pliers Filter Oil 2-3/4 - 3-1/8" Felo 63805 - Linesman's Insulated Clean Cut Cable Cutter VDE Pliers 6¼"
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Felo 63773 - Combo Pliers High-Leverage w/Side Cutter 7.25" Felo 63783 - Pliers Chain Nose Radio w/Side Cutter 8" VIM V241 - Pliers Filter Oil 2-3/4 - 3-1/8" Felo 63805 - Linesman's Insulated Clean Cut Cable Cutter VDE Pliers 6¼"
Felo 63789 - Lever Pliers Diagonal Side Cutter/Nippers 8.5"
HB Price: $69.97
Felo 63789 - Lever Pliers Diagonal Side Cutter/Nippers 8.5"